Objetivo Sostenibilidad OS! Programa de participación infantojuvenil para la ciudadanía global y los ODS para lograr ciudades y asentamientos humanos sostenible (OS!)

Leading agency: Asociación Consortium Local-Global (Coglobal)
Area of interventions: Inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities
Total budget: € 31.250
Requested contributions: € 28.125
Duration: 13 months
Start and end date(s): 01/11/2018 – 30/11/2019

Summary of the project

OS! is a project that combines participatory democracy and DEAR strategies, applied to 6 school-classes from 5 Andalusian municipalities. Its goal is to enhance the roll of children and young people as local decision & opinion-makers, enhancing solidary and responsible actions to achieve sustainable cities and human settlements. In this project 10-12 year-olds design sustainability awareness activities, teaming with local officers, CSO and school staff.
Children involved in OS! take part in 8 sessions with participatory and gender approach to SDG’s, connected with their vital contexts. OS! favours self-development and social empowerment of children that participate in local public policy. They design proposals for the municipal council and edit video campaigns for social environmental change. 4 city councils, 1 Rural Development Group and 3 NGDOs are committed with OS!. The project has a communication plan involving local and regional media


10-15 political representatives and technicians from town councils ; 10-15 teachers; 150 young people and about 10,000 citizens

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