Mujeres migradas como sujetos políticos y la sostenibilidad de la vida en el Barrio Pumarejo

Leading agency: Mujeres Supervivientes de violencias de género desde el sur construyendo la Igualdad
Area of interventions: Inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities
Total budget: € 31.250
Requested contributions: € 28.125
Duration: 18 months
Start and end date(s): 01/11/2018 – 31/04/2020

Summary of the project

this project develops a campaign that allows us to make visible the role of migrant women in the process of social creation and transformation, based on commitment and solidarity as an alternative to the crisis, and to spread our experience of generating sustainable and responsible spaces through our project “Comer en Compañía” (eating in company), an intergenerational and intercultural space with an eco-feminist perspective. We propose, as an alternative to face poverty, generated in the individualism ethic which promotes an excessive consumism denaturalized of its social function, our experience in a collective process that has created a virtuous circle between organic gardens and the social dinning and that presents the recycling as an effect of solidarity and responsability. We do so by taking as inspiration the contributions of the people that has managed to turn their hardships into opportunities and the crisis into factors of growth, and by highlighting the effect of the making of human networks as a strategy of survival and social transformation, networks that have been built in the crossroad of three crucial factors: Woman, interculturality and bio-sustainability and also over the guiding principle of respect for people and the environment. For this, the project proposes and encounter with institutions and people that put forward similar propositions in order to bloom synergies and stimulate common growth with new perspectives.


Approximately 150 persons especially people from social intervention

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